Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#130: How Marketing, Sales, and Letting Go of Who You Think You are, are Connected in Growing Your Business



The concept of “unbecoming” is a powerful one and something I speak about often. Unbecoming who we think we’re supposed to be and becoming who we truly are.  Obviously easier said than done, but something I think we all should consider as a serious business (and life) tactic.  Today, I want to take this philosophical discussion and ground it into the real world. To look at how unbecoming allows us to show up better in our marketing and selling. If you are routinely struggling with marketing and selling yourself, the reason is most likely variations of your own insecurities. Fear of being seen, fear of feeling judged, fear of failing, to name a few.  If we were able to get rid of this (or learn to move past it), we would not have any real resistance to selling or marketing.  Realistically we say we ‘don’t get marketing’ but really it isn’t that hard. What’s hard, is actually putting ourselves out there.  Think of how easy it is to suggest your favourite tv show to a friend? You are passionately marketing and s