Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#131: How to Understand Your Ideal Client on a Deeper Level, So You Can Attract Them Easier



To find our ideal client, we need to look beyond demographics. These are just descriptors of a persona, checkboxes that give us a very limited view and understanding of who we’re looking to attract. Because we all know, we are more than the boxes we get placed into by society. We are more complex than that - with hopes and dreams, fears, ideas and desires that extend beyond our ‘demographic’.  For those of us who offer more in-depth services, like coaching or healing based work, we need to also go in-depth on who our ideal client is. The best way I’ve found to do this is answering three specific questions:   What is your ideal client moving away from? What is your ideal client moving towards? What is your ideal client trying to avoid?   In this week’s episode, I take you through my process of answering these questions and why they are so important. Remember, marketing at its core is about human connection. We all want to be seen, not sold to.   On this week’s episode, I cover: The three types of people: opti