Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#132: Rejection - Why Does it Hurt So Much?



The world didn’t give you your power or strength, and therefore the world can’t take it away. So many of us forget that all the amazing things about ourselves come from inside of us. Our power and beauty and strength inherently exists within us, regardless of what is going on around us. Forgetting this leads us to believe that the world can take it all away. The biggest trap many entrepreneurs fall into is assigning our worth to our success.  This is where the topic of rejection comes in. We all have our own version of rejection… people not signing up to our programs, not buying our product, a collaboration not happening. It creates a feeling of powerlessness within us, like we are not in control of our own lives. Even worse, it can make us question our value, worth and power.  Remember, no one can take your power away unless you let them. Failure can’t take away your power unless you let it.   On the episode, I cover: How to handle rejection and use concern handling to turn it around Cutting the cord that c