Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#133: Why Your Power Can Never Be Taken Away



When we put our sense of accomplishment in milestones, we create a carrot and stick trap for ourselves. We’ve all been there - telling ourselves that when we reach 10k months we’ll feel successful. And then, when we reach it, our new carrot becomes a 20k month. We put so much weight into these milestones when in reality, we are the source of our own power. It’s the act of showing up, not the outcome, that gives us our power. It’s important for us to acknowledge that the thing we are actually seeking is never in the accomplishment, but in who we become in the process of acquiring it. No one can ever take that away from us - the hard work we put in, the inner battles we’ve overcome, or the relationships we made. Remember, who you become is more valuable than the thing itself. When we’re able to ground ourselves in gratitude and appreciation for the work we did to get to our goals, that’s when we can ride all the waves of running a business.   On the episode, I cover: A practice that will ground you in your pow