Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#145: What Kind of Energy Are You Bringing into 2021?



Welcome to a new year!   With a new year comes a fresh energy of opportunity and hope.   Hope is a very important tool for us to have. Even more so in the world we live in today.   It doesn’t mean you should put pressure on yourself to be a “new year, new me”. What I invite you to focus on instead is on the essence of what you want this upcoming year to look like. Not the specific tactics, or strategies, or tasks… but the essence that you want to embody in yourself, in your relationships, in your business, and throughout your full life.   Essence is the energy we consciously choose to hold space for in our life.   If nothing else comes to fruition this year, what is the energy that you want to finish this year in.   Last year, I chose to embody compassion and I can genuinely say that, while the rest of my life looks completely different from what I had planned in early 2020, I have carried the essence of compassion with me.   On the episode, I cover: The value of choosing an essence word for yourself in 2021