Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#150: Can You Actually Get “More” Done in “Less” time?



We’ve all heard people talk about getting more done in less time, but is that actually possible?   I would say that it is, however, what that means for me is most likely very different from what that means for you.   It all comes down to learning to manage our energy and that will look different for each of us.    For this week’s podcast episode, I decided to release a private training I ran for my membership community, The Lighthouse Collective.   In this training, we covered energy and intuition and the idea that we’re much more in-tune with our intuition than we realize, we just don’t always know that’s what’s guiding us. When we’re better able to understand how this works for us individually, we are able to actually get more done, in less time - and in a way that feels good.    The more that we can reflect on how it feels when we’re following our intuitive knowing versus our ego, the easier it is for us to make empowered decisions for ourselves.   I also want to share some reflection questions that can he