Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#155: The reason you struggle with selling



Selling and sales is quite literally the last step before we not only get paid and make a profit, but also before we get to do the thing we actually enjoy - the service we offer!   It’s also the step that people struggle with the most.   Not having a sales process that you feel confident in… Not charging what your service is actually worth… Not working through your money beliefs… Not being able to handle people's concerns and hesitations...   Without mastering selling, you will not only struggle to make money in your business, but you will constantly be doubting yourself and your abilities.   Selling with ease has nothing to do with how good you are at rendering your service.    Selling with ease has everything to do with how good you are at articulating the TRUE value of your work.   In selling, we often bring ourselves into the conversation, along with all of our insecurities. We make sales conversations about us (over explaining ourselves out of fear, justifying our prices, etc), when it should be about th