Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#159: Why I Love Failing...



When we shoot for the stars, it’s important that we acknowledge the powerful magnetic force of gravity. When things fall to the ground, it’s all part of nature - not a sign we don’t have what it takes to try again.  When things metaphorically fall in our business, we should take the same perspective. Failure and quitting and making mistakes - it’s all part of the journey.  In the context of sports, taking shots and missing them is encouraged because it means the chances of scoring become higher.  Growth and “failure” are embedded in the process. Teams lose games, and seasons all the time. In fact only 1 team every year actually ‘wins’ the championship. In sport you recognize that in order to win, you have to be prepared to lose, grow, learn, and lose some more. No team ever has a perfect season and no matter how amazing a team is, there are always going to be seasons where winning a championship isn’t in the cards that year.  I want us to take the same approach in life and business. We can become so hyper foc