Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#165: The Truth About “Success” is That Sometimes It’s a Trap... with Errin Weisman



This week I want to share a beautiful conversation I had with Errin Weisman about a topic that many of us can relate to and have probably experienced to a certain degree in our business or careers. It’s the idea of sacrificing everything in our life to pursue a “good profession” and then once we’ve made it realizing that we actually feel empty and have lost so many years just blindly husting without stopping to appreciate what’s in front of us. It’s waiting for the delayed gratification to come and realizing that it’s not going to come. Errin Weisman is a family physician turned life coach who is all about calling out the bullshit on the hustle culture. She did what many professionals might be afraid to do: moving out of a career that we’re told by society is “good” and that we’ve “made it” - and instead pursuing a career like coaching where there is so much judgement and negativity that it’s not a “real job”. If you want to hear more on this topic, check out this week’s podcast episode. On the episode, we di