Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#171: 3 Ways to Get Through a Slump



Last week we talked about how transformation can feel like failure. Especially when we’re in the middle of a big project, everything is looking more messy in the middle and overwhelming us. This week, I want to go even deeper in this. What happens when you find yourself in this “slump”? Think of this week’s episode as my pep talk to help you climb out of it. When I’m in a slump, the support I always reach for is shifting my perspective, grace and compassion, and getting support. There is so much in business that goes on behind the tactics and strategies. So often, the biggest hurdle is our own belief that we have what it takes to come out the other side. If you want to hear more on this topic, check out this week’s podcast episode. On the episode, we discuss: Power of perspective How expectations can drive stress Having the right people around you I believe in you - you are doing way better than you realize!  Lana If you enjoy these conversations, check out The Lighthouse Collective. It’s a community for so