Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#172: You Are Not a Machine, So Stop Expecting Yourself to Operate Like One



Are you struggling to figure out what offer to launch?   Or what business to start? What career to build? What opportunity to pursue?   I hear this so often from many of my clients. They want to express themselves in so many ways, that in our one-dimensional definition of success, they start questioning their ambition for more than one passion.   We are constantly evolving beings. From the books we read, to the people we spend time with, and even how we take our coffee can change over time! We allow our tastes to change in certain areas of our lives, yet restrain them in other areas - often in our careers.   We expect perfection from ourselves and a straight line to success.   But when you’re a multi-faceted human, your success metrics are always evolving.   What if the industrialized rinse-and-repeat cycle is not the best success metric to aim for?   What if we set aside the old school masculine business methods that teach us to condense ourselves into a machine over a human?   I want to invite you to look a