Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#175: Are you stuck performing?



A lot of people are starting to reintegrate back into the world, which means that we’re starting to feel the strain of obligation creep up on us again.    Something that I have observed is that a lot of people are realizing that they feel out of alignment with some of those obligations and expectations to go back to.    There might be resistance in how you go about conducting business, spending time with particular people, dressing a certain way, or having to do certain activities. No matter what it is, there might be something that feels off.    One of the reasons for that might be because you had so much space from those situations, people, or ways of doing things that you’ve even had time to realize they don’t jive with you. Sometimes we do things not because we enthusiastically choose it for ourselves, but because we feel it's ‘just what we have to do’.    I would even say that a lot of things we do as humans are performative. Meaning, we play the role we think we need to play to fit the scenario, even th