Changing The Story With Lana Dingwall

#177: What happens when you let go of the thing you’re the most afraid of losing?



Have you ever had that moment where you realize you need to let something or someone who's been a pillar of your life, go?    There will always come moments in life when we need to let some part of ourselves that is connected to something else go, in order to make space for what's next.    It is scary, but also full of so much opportunity.    Nothing, or no one makes up the sum total of who we are, the value we bring into this world and what makes us who we are. That is what we need to remember when we are faced with needing to let something or someone go.    What happens when you let go og the thing you’re the most afraid of losing?    We let go of the identity ascribed to it. We let go of all the ways we’ve tried to make ourselves ‘fit’ in order to maintain it.    We open ourselves up to finding a way to love and accept ourselves fully, instead of using this thing or person to make us feel whole and valuable.    There is so much strength in letting go and that is what we explore on this week's episode…   W