Rusty Microphone

Numbers - The Law of Three and the Law of Seven



50 minutes long, mp3 format, free download In this podcast we look at numbers and numerology from a completely different point of view. The story begins with Radionics, which is a system of healing involving numbers. These numbers are called “rates” in radionics. Where do rates come from; how do we use them; and what does it all mean?  The history of radionics begins with Dr. Abrams when he discovered that he could identify when a patient was ill by listening to certain noises in the human body with his stethoscope. Also, he found that when he connected a wire from the wrist of a “sick person” to that of a “well person,” the same noises could be heard in the “well person's” body. If he disconnected the wire the noises went away. In other words, the wire seemed to “conduct” the “information” about the sick person's condition to another human being, even though that human being did not have any illness.  This strange discovery was ignored by official medicine and radionics is considered “quack medicine” by mo