Shalom Sistas

Episode 04: Meet Shalom Sista Kathy Escobar



My guest on the podcast this week is Kathy Escobar.  Y'all. She is wise and funny and so, so thoughtful.  You're going to love everything she has to say about having hard conversations with people we disagree with and what peacemaking is (and is not). We both share a passion to take big concepts (like Shalom, like unity, like reconciliation, you meta ;)) and making them practical so that we can actually live them out. She tells us about a recent video series she did with The Work of the People, "Different Not Divided: A Third Way" with her co-pastor, Karl Wheeler about how they've navigated living together in unity while still honoring their differences at their church, "The Refuge".   From the "The Work of the People" website: When we love our theology more than our brothers and sisters we are usually left with only two options: 1. Create increasingly larger, theologically monolithic and homogeneous churches, or 2. Disintegrate, fracture and eventually close the doors and lose relationship with e