Shalom Sistas

Episode 12: Celebrate Shalom!



Hey Sistas, Toady's episode is all about celebrating the ways you're practicing Shalom in your everyday lives.  I'm joined by my friend, Abby Perry and we share the ways we've seen Shalom in  the media this past month, we cheer on our listeners who shared their stories of Shalom, and we introduce our really fun #SummerofShalom Instagram Challenge! Abby is the writer behind the blog, "Joy Woven Deep".  She's a mom of two in College Station, Texas who loves Jesus, personality types, books, television, and movies! She kicks off the episode by sharing her primary practices of Shalom, is caring for her boys, supporting the foster care community by offering them date night childcare through the "childcare pantry", and leading a local cohort of "Be The Bridge to Racial Unity",  a community of people with a common goal to see healthy dialogue around the topic of race. Abby told us about, Runway of Dreams: Runway of Dreams is a nonprofit organization working with the fashion industry to adapt mainstream clothing fo