Shalom Sistas

Episode 25: Two Fun Announcements for the Show!



  Hey Sistas, I'm so excited to share this special episode of Shalom in the City because I've been excited to share with you something I've been working on the podcast for FOR MONTHS.  Actually, I've been wanting to provide this for you here on the show since before I started it.  When I dreamed of starting a podcast I knew three things about myself:   One: I'm obsessed with talking about Shalom. So I knew my podcast had to be all shalom all the time. And for those of you just joining the show on this episode, on the show our simple definition of  the Hebraic concept of Shalom, is  God's dream for wholeness, goodness, and yes, even peace for you and I right now, right where we are and every episode I invite a woman on who I think is practicing Shalom in some interesting way to share her story with us, our resident Shalom Sista is what we call her and it's been so much fun to introduce to you my friends and their passion projects.   The second thing I knew about myself as a podcaster is that I