Shalom Sistas

Episode 54: Do tell, Sista



Hey Sistas,   Here are three things you need to know about today's episode.   1: I answer questions from the “Shalom Sistas” community today: Share about supper club? What do you say to women who are forced to see and interact with their abuser or their rapist during church? What do you tell a woman who has to walk up to the alter next to a man who would rape her or who beat her because they share a child in common and our current legal system and family court is so incredibly broken that they refuse to protect her? I want to know, because no one will give me an answer.   How do we respond when looking back at great tragedies that were stopped by war, such as the Holocaust? Can you share some scripture that calls for nonviolence? Do I still like the snow? What do you mean when you say you are an Anabaptist? 2: We're praying for each other in the Shalom Sistas Hangout and Newsletter. Click the links to join and get your prayer on.   3:  We have a Patreon to help pay for an editor and make sure episodes are r