Shalom Sistas

Day 2 of 31 Days Everyday Peacemaking



Hey Sistas,  Today I start the episode with a peacemaking strategy because my son missed the bus. Then, I share our Peacemaker's Pledge from my book trailer. It's the anchor of our series and what I'll refer to often.   We are a sisterhood of everyday peacemakers. We believe that shalom is more than an ancient concept. It’s God's dream for the world as it should be: nothing missing, nothing broken, everything made whole. Shalom is the breadth, depth, climate, and culture of the kingdom God. And we seek to live it out in our lives in small, but important ways: - Doing laundry for a single mom - Listening to a hurting child Or spending time with an elderly neighbor We know that peacemaking happens in the ordinary. These everyday practices of peace are brilliant flickers of light that drive away the darkness. We reject the notion that peacemakers are only quiet and gentle, meek and mild. In fact, some of us are quite sassy, and some of us are quirky. While we all love Jesus, some of us snark a little too. We