True Calling Project | Finding Purpose And Meaning In Life And Career

Ep. 15 - How to De-polarize Your Thinking and Act



Let your mind work for you – have it be your ally and don’t let it keep you small. Our thoughts affect how we navigate everything in lives: our jobs, our relationships, our mood, and how we see the world. When we think in black and white terms, or our thinking is polarized, we limit ourselves. When we prejudge things, we can lie to ourselves. When we think we know something, we feel safe, important and informed. We’re naturally afraid of change so our mind draws on past experiences to give us an idea of what to expect… but using past experiences to predict outcomes will dictate your actions and close you off to anything new. We tend to look at everything in a right or wrong frame of reference… so we can always find excuses why we can’t. If we broaden our lens, then we can also find excuses why we can. We can end up tying our sense of success to results, but success is subjective. We don’t want to attach our decision making to the immediate results. When we try something new, we won’t always get the results w