True Calling Project | Finding Purpose And Meaning In Life And Career

Ep. 16 - Matt Pascarella: Turning Interests Into Career Options



You don’t have to follow a specific path in life. You definitely don’t have to follow a path that makes you unhappy. Matt Pascarella is working on second career goals, podcasting and mountain guiding. These are his goals for a simple reason: they make him happy. He believes the world will be a better place if we focus less on what we should and shouldn’t do, and focus more on what makes us and the people in our life happy. Matt’s new podcast, Hazard Ground, features veterans sharing inspirational and motivational stories about combat, service, and resiliency. He co-hosts the show with Mark Zinno, sports talk radio host and Army veteran. Matt’s soon-to-be new career, mountain guiding, is appealing because it allows him to share the happiness and goodness of nature with others. He is getting certified through the American Mountain Guides Association, while holding down a full-time job. Both ventures share a similar challenge: you have to get started. Sometimes you are more of an obstacle than the mountain. Ide