True Calling Project | Finding Purpose And Meaning In Life And Career

Ep 33 - Dr. Gary Brown: Stepping Into Trauma



Dr Gary Brown is a licensed psychotherapist who has been in private practice for over 30 years. His primary focus is helping people connect to themselves and other people at a deeper level than what they might be used to, and his years of practicing have led to a number of interesting opportunities. In recent years, Gary has experienced a unique level of continuity of care: he has second-generation patients. Couples he worked with 10 to 20 years ago are now referring their adolescent children to his practice. Gary is able to see first hand how all sorts of traits travel through families. Not just mental health, but also physical, biological and emotional traits. Gary also has years of experience working in crisis intervention (which is, unfortunately, constantly relevant). During his time working with the the survivors of terror attacks and disasters, Gary has learned strategies that anyone can employ to mitigate the impact of shared trauma. The 24-hour news cycle gives us too much exposure to these traumati