Fortunes And Families Podcast Network

1 2 3 Not Me | Brett and Gina Judd | Marriages Worth Millions Ep 001



Brett and Gina Judd - The Love Entrepreneurs - discuss the universal and paralyzing behavior of 1 2 3 Not Me.  They discuss how they ran into this relationship pitfall and what to do to stay out.  A passive sort of "the problem is you not me, it's you", 1 2 3 Not Me keeps couples, empolyees, and business partners trapped in a stale mate where no one is willing to take responsibility. Entrepreneurial Marriage does not have to follow the same course of a start-up. Learn the skills you need to maximize the ROI in your boardroom AND your bedroom. When you follow The Love Entrepreneurs, you gain the skills and awareness you need to transform the relationships that matter most - spouse, children, clients, and staff.   Learn more and join one of our relationship and personal transformation groups at