Todd Sylvester Inspires Beliefcast

Nicole Bruderer



Nicole Bruderer is an amazing woman whose light shines brightly and her story will inspire you to be a better person.  Nicole was diagnosed with breast cancer at ages 21, 26 and 29 and is thrilled and grateful to celebrate 17 years cancer free. Nicole lives life to the fullest and human rights is something she is very passionate about. In 2006, Nicole and her sisters started Lime Ricki Swimwear. What started as a small home-based business has turned into a thriving online store with two retail locations. As Chief Marketing Officer, Nicole oversees all advertising, promotions, website development, and marketing. She is married to the love of her life, Jeff, who has always given Nicole wings to fly and encouragement to pursue her dreams and passions. Together they have co-parented 3 lovable and strong-willed daughters.  #nicloepower #cancersurvivor #compassion #love #believe #beliefcast #tsinspires