Dropping Loads

Dropping Loads Episode 31: National Have Sex with an Ugly Person Day



In this episode, the boys welcome author/blogger and all-around cool guy, Lance Manion, to discuss National Have Sex with an Ugly Person Day, which lands on April 2nd, 2013. Lance discusses his approach to writing, guiding Pouch in the process, and the boys end it on a rousing edition of "One, True, Three." Check Lance out at http://www.lancemanion.com. Check out his book, The Ball Washer. Why not? It's free! Subscribe to us on iTunes HERE Pouch here. No, you didn't read that wrong. We are in fact releasing two brand-new episodes this week. Let me catch you up on the details. Author/blogger, all-around cool dude Lance Manion reached out to us to appear on an episode to promote himself as well as a holiday he's attempting to popularize, National Have Sex with an Ugly Person Day. (It's exactly what you think it is. He wants an extremely attractive person to have sex with an extremely ugly person, which means I might just get laid. The holiday is a semi-joke perpetuated from his self-admitted selfishness