Dropping Loads

Dropping Loads Episode 52: Workin' Hard or Hardly Workin'



In this episode, Random Guy Serge must diversify the podcast. Pouch spreads the yospel of the Yurch of Yeezianity, while Milky declares himself a Ye'Ciple. The boys discuss the latest rumors surrounding Batman vs. Superman ad nauseam. Subscribe to us on iTunes HERE Your sycophantic Pouch here. After looking at the statistics, it seems you guys just want more of Random Guy Serge. Being the caring podcasters we are, we decided to give you guys what you wanted and brought back the one and only RGS. We love him and it's obvious you love him too. Unlike the last few episodes, this one gave me very little trouble with the audio, except for one very strange hiccup. For some odd reason, both RGS's and Milky's tracks shorted out the moment Milky said something particularly blasphemous. It was about to happen with my track, but managed to come out, so there will be a quick second in there where Milky is attempting to say something, the audio cuts to a different track, where Milky sounds much further way. Aside from tha