Dropping Loads

Dropping Loads Episode 208: Pouch Not Alone



In this horribly recorded episode, Pouch attempts to use a new software to record a podcast with a friend living across the country and fails. Good friend and DLP supporter Ryan Beagley of Green Up Podcast and Lucky to be Dad Podcast chats with Pouch about death, podcasting, and the correct choice of food to eat before taking a dump on Trump's face.  Pouch here. Hello, out there! Is there anyone left listening? We're sort of back after our hiatus. Partly due to mourning our good friend and another because Milky went to Uruguay to visit family. I decided it was finally time to reach out and speak with our good friend Ryan Beagley. He's been a supporter for years and I just thought it would something fun while Milky was out. Sincerest apologies for the absolute shit quality. I think my Internet fucked me over. It's hard to say why my track came out as bad as it did. Intro/outro: Mel Brooks - To Be or Not To Be (The Hitler Rap). Check out Ryan Beagley's podcasts: Green Up Podcast and Lucky to be Dad Podcast.