Dropping Loads

Dropping Loads Episode 241: Three Nuts into the Arm



In this episode, SPJ treats the listeners to the Wallman Origins: Origins Story, a reboot prequel to the hit franchise surrounding the Dank Wall. Milky explains that he can no longer stomach Krispy Kreme doughnuts. Pouch brings the episode down with talks of death and grief. Pouch here. Sorry if I brought the podcast down this week, but some shit was weighing in on my mind, but I promise that SPJ makes it up with a banger that really should have been charged at a creamium. Intro/Outro: Ice Cube - Smoke Some Weed. Get a Load of This Guy Injected himself with his Own Fucking Cum to Stop Back Pain Shit We Mentioned For more details on the topics discussed on this episode, please visit the Dropping Loads official website.