Potencial Millonario An Audio Dice Podcast Network, Digital, Audio, Multi Language, Media, Channel,

FINCON14- Post Review By IncomeNation.com (Mark) & PotentialMillionaire.Net (Felix)



Mark Tune from incomenation.com & Felix A. Montelara from Potentialmillionaire.net comment on Fincon14 while at 70 miles per hour through the States of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama.    We take the opportunity to inform you the listener of our most memorable activities while a the conference (FinCon14). We review several of the sessions and even provide you with an insider''s look into the "Pro" sessions. We comment on the presentations of the following speakers:Ellie Kay Jared Easley Jeff Rose Jeff Goins Chris Ducker  We even take you to the streets of New Orleans via sound to the Ignite FinCon  venue where Jason Vitug ignited the place with his 5 minute talk and 15 slides. Lastly we make a special mention of Brian Preston and Bo Hanson from The Money Guy." So, listen up because you are in for the ride.  Enjoy,Felix & Mark *Please note, our opinions do not represent Fincon14 or anyone else's.