The Classic Lenses Podcast

#112 We Asked, You Told Us



Johnny could not be with us this week, he’s felling a little better but he has other pressing concerns, so Perry and Simon man up and take on the mammoth task of responding to your emails. In the last podcast, Simon asked listeners for feedback on what they wished to hear in future shows and boy did you tell us! So sit back in safe isolation and hopefully enjoy the show. ________ LISTEN TO THE PODCAST
 Pobean | iTunes | Stitcher  ________ EPISODE 112 LINKS Sebastião Salgado: Genesis Abstract: The Art of Design — Platon Classic Lens Buying Guide and 10-Point Checklist Adapt projector lenses to Pantax 67 A Guide to Cinelux Lenses Carl ZEISS 28mm f/2.8 Biogon T* Enna München Lithagon 35mm f3.5 Enna München Tele-Ennalyt 90mm f2.8 Contax G to Leica M Lens Conversions LEICA 90mm f2.8 ELMARIT 'Unknown Spain', forward by Simon Forster Serengeti & Kenny Segal’s New Album 'Ajai' ________ EPISODE 112 TAGS #CLP112 #Pentax67 #SebastiãoSalgado #Cinelux #ZeissBiogon28mm #EnnaLithagon35mm #EnnaTe