The Classic Lenses Podcast

#127 Retina Flare Goatsecx



Version 1: After two weeks of having guests on the show, Perry is bursting at the seams to tell us what he’s acquired. Although we finally get a show devoid of mathematics (that’s why it’s called maths and not math), however we can’t leave TLRs completely alone as we discuss the intricacies of square format photography. All this and quite a but of love for Schneider and a few DKL lenses, but no love for Kodak Retina camera bodies. Finally, don’t do an internet search for that phrase you will hear, you have been warned… Version 2: Perry brings his Goatsecx wrecking ball to episode 127 (yes, it’s so bad we can’t use the word or our podcast RSS will get flagged as p*rn. You have been double warned!) A scattershot of topics, everything from Retina DKL to Takumars, the merits and challenges of square format composition, and we even squeeze in a couple of listener emails (we didn’t think it would all fit.) A math-free (why add an extra 'S' if you're abbreviating?) episode with just a hint of Euclidean geometry. Al