Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Podcast With Peter Boolkah | Business Coach | The Transition Guy®

The Real Reason Your Business Needs an Advisory Board with Marissa Levin -- TTG087



Today I am joined by Marissa Levin, the author of the #1 best-selling book on advisory boards, “Built to SCALE: How Top Companies Create Breakthrough Growth Through Exceptional Advisory Boards”. The book leads businesses owners through her SCALE™ Model to strategically select, compensate, associate, & leverage advisory boards for breakthrough growth. Marissa is also SmartCEO Magazine’s syndicated columnist, penning a column entitled “Get on Board” which advises business owners how to strategically build advisory boards to fuel organizational growth.Marissa Levin's 20-year entrepreneurial journey started in 1995 when she founded Information Experts, a global strategic communications and education firm, in 1995 that has served more than 15 federal agencies. She launched her firm with no outside funding after working for a man that capped her worth at $34,000. Marissa has led her firm through the implosion of the telecom and internet industries, 9/11 terrorist attacks, three recessions, three government