Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Podcast With Peter Boolkah | Business Coach | The Transition Guy®

How To Sustain Client Relationships And Revenue Post Pandemic w/ Kathleen Cutler - 188



Building rapport with clients is essential for client attraction and client retention, especially during this pandemic when we're beginning to transition into a blending workspace and environment. So how can we enhance selling relationships to equip us to work within today's context? Today I speak to Kathleen Cutler, a high ticket closer, about how best we can bridge the gap between traditional sales techniques and the virtual space to build and keep client relationships.If you’re waiting for things to go back to “normal”, it’s just not likely to happen anytime soon. So, we need to change our mindset and skill up in preparation for the move. With the advent of artificial intelligence in the past 10 years, we’ve become lazy with client relationships. We’ve become automated and unblended in our approach when it comes to building rapport with clients. But the lockdown has just highlighted even more the importance and value of forming selling relationships. Despite the movement to virtual, it's imp