Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Podcast With Peter Boolkah | Business Coach | The Transition Guy®

Carving Your Own Path To Success W/ Tony Martignetti - 190



Pre-pandemic, many entrepreneurs and employees found themselves caught in a hamster wheel, always hustling and unable to think - time normally passed by so quickly. But post-pandemic, things seem to have slowed down, enough to let people reevaluate their situation. People have started to question their purpose. And now, a lot of us are slowly realizing that the true measure of success is having that ability to carve your own path, figure out who you want to be, and know what you want to do to create real meaningful impact in this world. Climbing the Right Mountain by Tony Martignetti aims to inspire people to do just that. Don't panic and have hope. You can and you will create meaningful impact by climbing the right mountain. As you're navigating through life, just remember to take action, and start to narrow your focus on the things that will help YOU feel fulfilled.To reach Tony and learn more about his work, you can visit his website at or find him on LinkedIn