

Management in the industrial age meant having to see a person physically present, and being or “looking” productive. Measuring productivity was rather archaic. But employee time management has changed a lot with the post-pandemic blended working environment. As business owners and leaders, we'll have to do a better job at managing employees remotely, focusing less on standardization, and encouraging employee autonomy.If you do a simple Google search, you’ll find a whole lot of content about productivity.With working from home, homeschooling, household responsibilities, and balancing everything in between, productivity can get really hampered. So what can we do to actually get our time back, and do the things we want to do? Employers and managers now need to allow employees to manage their own time as an entrepreneur would, to whatever degree is realistic. In managing employees remotely, since managers don't necessarily see employees, it's easy to fall into a tendency to micromanage. But microma