Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Podcast With Peter Boolkah | Business Coach | The Transition Guy®

How To Seize CAREER POSSIBILITIES In A Changing World with Misha Rubin - 192



When society goes through a major change like this global pandemic we're experiencing now, there's a lot of pain that comes with it. But there are also opportunities for career transformation and career changes. In today’s episode, career educator and entrepreneur Misha Rubin shares some insights on how you can build a meaningful career with the unprecedented number of career possibilities that exist now.  With all the information we're taught throughout our lifetime, no one really teaches us how to search for fulfilling and meaningful careers. In the past, it was common for people to have just one career throughout their entire lives, but that’s changing. It's now quite unlikely that one person will stick to one career throughout their life. Some careers even disappear or become irrelevant through time. For this reason, it's become increasingly important to know how to embrace career transformation, and carve out a meaningful career path for yourself. It’s been a painful and grueling