Tarabuster With Tara Devlin

TARABUSTER EP 183: Especially in a Crisis, Reality Has Such a Liberal Bias



BECOME A PATRON: www.patreon.com/taradevlin Another week in the United States of Serfs and Lords. America is in lockdown and Conservatives - on both sides of the aisle - continue to prove they're unfit to hold leadership positions in a modern nation. Biden comes out of hiding to beg our oligarch masters to not use coronavirus bailout money to inflate their stock prices through stock buybacks - for a year. So Twitler attacks him from the left by calling to put it into the emergency legislation. Colorodo Gov. Jared Polis ask a right winger for "ideas" on handling the crisis. So, of course, Jon Caldera responds with the same old, useless, right wing kiss up/kick down attacks on the working class. We discuss another week of madness. _________________________________________ BECOME A "TARABUSTER" PATRON: www.patreon.com/taradevlin _________________________________________ Want to Connect In between shows? LEAVE TARA A MESSAGE: 360-777-6007 (your message may be played on the air) ______________