Tarabuster With Tara Devlin

TARABUSTER WEEKDAY: Oh Good. Trump "Loves" Us. Now Go Die For Him



Another day in the United States of Serfs and Lords. Coronavirus makes clear - Republicans have as much interest in the lives of working people as they do in for the life of democracy. The corporate media plays along as Twitler tells us he "loves" us. Oh, yes. That's great. We can pay the rent with Twitler's "love." Chris Christie sheds crocodile tears as he pretends to care about people on line at a food bank. He also wants us to sacrifice our lives for the "American way" AKA: The 1%. Republican Representative Nino Vitale doesn't want to wear a mask to protect others from Coronavirus because... you know... he's made in the image of "God." "Funny" how Republican "God" is just a giant version of their own a-hole selves. Also, he spreads the fake "Judeo-Christian" nation BS again. Man, Tara is really pissed off this show. Well - we all should be pissed that they make a mockery of the American experiment. We discuss the day's madness. _________________________________________ BECOME A "