Tarabuster With Tara Devlin

TARABUSTER WEEKDAY: Corporate Media: As Useless to Democracy as a Corporate Democratic Party



Another day in the United States of Serfs and Lords. Corporate media is as useless as the corporate Dems as Twitler and his co-conspirators continue to destoy the "Grand Experiment." Joe Scarborough has the privilege of "American Exceptionalism." Mika wants to see the manager as the corporate Dem "resistance" wants to get back to brunch. Vichy Class War Collaborator, Donnie Deutsch is reminded about "F-ing Denmark." Vichy Class War Collaborator, Chuck Todd longs for retirement - in a country where the majority live check-to-check and can't handle a $400 emergency. Bernie Sanders tells delegates to "tone it down" and Joe Biden vets Amy Klobachar for VP - in this year's repeat of the 2016 playbook. How much longer are we going to take it, people? How much longer? We discuss the day's madness. _________________________________________ BECOME A "TARABUSTER" PATRON: www.patreon.com/taradevlin _________________________________________ Want to Connect In between shows? LEAVE TARA A MESSAGE: 360-