Tarabuster With Tara Devlin

TARABUSTER WEEKDAY: Don't Be Distracted by Empty Gestures - Racial Justice is Economic Justice



Another day in the United States of Serfs and Lords. George Floyd Protests continue. Corporate media DOES NOT want us to notice the class war as they call for some "nicer" cops. Well... that's it, I guess! Corporate America is "taking a knee" and removing their confederate emblems of confederate racists and traitors - and trying as they might to ensure that nothing will fundementally change. Corporate-owned government whitewashing doing Black Lives Matter protests in the same way they whitewashed MLK's message of social and economic justice. We discuss the day's madness. _________________________________________ BECOME A "TARABUSTER" PATRON: www.patreon.com/taradevlin _________________________________________ Want to Connect In between shows? LEAVE TARA A MESSAGE: 360-777-6007 (your message may be played on the air) _________________________________________ Join the Tarabuster community on Discord too!! https://discord.gg/PRYDBx8 _________________________________________ DONATE TO PROGR