Tarabuster With Tara Devlin

TARABUSTER EP 195: Progressivism Is Patriotism



Another week in the United States of Serfs and Lords. Tara talks about the George Floyd protests - how conservative DLC Dems and the fascist Republicans want to throw some platitudes and tokens at us and call it a day. We MUST not let them get away with it again. They've been throwing tokens at us for generations. Tara plays a clip of Reagan talking with a bunch of white Yale students in 1967, who basically call him out for presenting his "tokens" as progress. Here we are, 50 years later. Nothing has changed. Conservatives continue to divide and conquer. We have a vast American Experience - owning the truth takes courage and patriotism. Young, ill-informed, African American right wing CJ Pearson/human sheild for CONservative bigotry, blows a loud racist dog-whistle and white right wingers jump in. Tara plays a video from the Guardian about a very white "looking" town of "black" Americans - illustrating how "race" is a construct - as well as stupid. Jeff Sessions whines that liberals want