Tarabuster With Tara Devlin

TARABUSTER WEEKDAY: Conservatives: Unfit to Hold Leadership Positions in a Modern Nation



Another day in the United States of Serfs and Lords. William F. Buckly and Margarat Thatcher have a conversation the proves (yet again) that conservatives hate the working class. George Floyd protests continue - so much so, that Twitler will sign an executive order on race. Hail to the King! Whoopie wants to get back to brunch. Corporate media continues its mission to ensure the American people miss the forest through the trees and focus on nominal police reform, rather than the "everyone in, nobody out" economic change we need. Conservatives have ALWAYS been incapable of functioning the type of free democratic society they can only pretend to love. Tedious emotionally-stunted Ted Cruz gets in a fight with Ron Pearlman over Jim Jordan and Matt Gaetz. Yes, Republicans are unfit to hold leadership positions in a modern nation. Tara doesn't care if Neil Goresuch voted on the right side of history in regard to LGBTQ rights - he's illegitimate, and the Democratic Party needs to stop pretending otherw