Tarabuster With Tara Devlin

TARABUSTER WEEKDAY: Conservatives "Love" America? Now, THAT'S a Hoax



Another day in the United States of Serfs and Lords. Conservatives suck. One of Tara's OG patrons and supporters does not like her anymore... as much. Hawk Newsome of BLM puts Fox News in its place. Fox News cherry-picks MLK quotes but forgets that MLK said, Our Struggle is for Genuine Equality, Which Means Economic Equality. Protesters bring a guillotine to Jeff Bezos' mansion in DC where he buys politicians and corrupts governent. Denmark can pay its workers a livnig wage while Americans choose between buying food and clothing and can't take a day off when sick or even afford a doctor if they could take a day off. Twitler touts jobs report - another hoax. The world looks at the United States as a pariah - as Americans continue to get sick in record numbers of Covid 19. We discuss the day's madness. _________________________________________ BECOME A "TARABUSTER" PATRON: www.patreon.com/taradevlin _________________________________________ Want to Connect In between shows? LEAVE TARA A ME