Tarabuster With Tara Devlin

TARABUSTER EP 209: Hypocrisy - The beating Heart of the Republicon Party



Another week in the United States of Serfs and Lords. RIP RGB. Republicons will now proceed to ignore her dying wish and ram another unqualified fascist on the court. ALL Republicons brought us to this point. Mitch McConnell is the gravedigger of Amercican democracy, as WWII historian Christopher Browning said. Stephanie Rhule is hurt that Biden made a vague signal of support for the working class over the elites. We discuss the madness. _____________________________________________________________ Let’s help get ⁦⁦⁦Greg Palast's new book on the bestseller list - before it’s too late to stop #Twitler from stealing the 2020 election! Republicans can’t win without cheating and they’re not stopping without a fight! Order here: https://tinyurl.com/y9ss3ghr We discuss another week of madness _________________________________________ BECOME A "TARABUSTER" PATRON: www.patreon.com/taradevlin _________________________________________ Want to Connect In between shows? LEAVE TARA A MESSAGE: 360-777