The Thriving Entrepreneur

Episode 23: Thrive by Making Your Health Your #1 Priority



Rachel Feldman is a wellness momma and business success launch coach. Rachel helps her clients to build profitable and sustainable businesses so they can build successful businesses online and offline. .  Rachel teaches the same system she built her successful health coaching practice to other health and wellness professionals. She's helped more than 8,000 health coaches rock their biz to the next level with passion and profits. She works with coaches in her private practice and is the creator of the Done For You Programs for Health Coaches. She created these programs for coaches so they could spend less time creating and more time marketing their business and brand. She knows the importance of saving time being a Mom and a CEO. In this interview Rachel and I chat about how: She burned herself out when she was in her former real estate business and all kinds of health issues came up She started her own journey of healing herself and decided to become a health coach Right when she began her journey of hea