Kc Greats

KCGreats 01: Matthew Marcus of KC Startup Foundation



In the inaugural show of KC Greats, I talk to Matthew Marcus, a very active local entrepreneur. Mathew has been instrumental in tech growth in KC as a founder of the Kansas City Startup Village and the Kansas City Startup Foundation. Links mentioned in the show are found below, or at www.kcgreats.com. https://www.linkedin.com/in/themarcus https://twitter.com/TheMarcus http://www.kcstartupvillage.org/ https://twitter.com/KCSV http://kcstartupfoundation.org/ Our United City: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1110949625630304/ http://thoumayest.com/ https://twitter.com/ThouMayCoffee http://www.kcgreats.com/ https://twitter.com/KCGreats https://www.facebook.com/kcgreats