Usc Ibear Business Class

Pandemic: Craft Beer, Corned Beef and the Corona Virus – Janet Lighter – Boundary Bay Brewery



The moment the St. Patrick’s Day Parade was cancelled, Janet Lightner - General Manager of Boundary Bay Brewery - knew they were in trouble. In this episode of Business Class, we move to the Microeconomic impact of the pandemic and go to the craft brewery nexus of Bellingham, Washington, to explore how the virus has upended the business model of a classic brew pub. Boundary Bay, 25 years old, is a pioneer craft brewery that has built a brand on its constant interaction with its customers and community. As the virus spread and shut down orders were given, Janet said she and her staff began to, ”pivot, pivot, pivot - like a ballerina doing pirouettes.” No restaurant. No catering. No brew pub. We hear how Janet and her partner, made tough decisions, rearranged staff, created an instant ‘To Go’ business and managed through creative hard work, to keep their business vital, and not to be taken down by 300 pounds of corned beef. Interview recorded on May 13, 2020. To maintain social distancing this interview w