Usc Ibear Business Class

Pandemic: Applying MBA degree skills to a crisis - PJ Van Hecke – The Reading Room - Bangkok



In this episode of #BusinessClass, we return to Thailand for an #MBA review of the business skills needed to face this financial crisis. We spoke with PJ Van Hecke, a 2018 graduate of the #USCIBEARMBA program. PJ used his time in the program to shift from a global career in maritime engineering to the entrepreneurial side of book publishing. He is now a Co-Founder in #Bangkok-based #TheReadingRoom. In conversation with IBEAR MBA Director Dick Drobnick,, PJ lays out the core MBA skills he worked to master. He goes on to describe how these skills helped guide his new venture through the uncharted waters of a global #pandemic. Pieter-Jan Van Hecke is a 2018 graduate of the IBEAR MBA program. Interview recorded on April 16, 2020 Interview conducted by Dick Drobnick, Director IBEAR MBA Program