Learning Digest

The Chicago Twist



As a young professional Hariraj was sent to Chicago for a project. Only upon landing at the client site, did he realize that the technology skills he had, were not the ones that the client needed for the project. For a young budding programmer, this is a certain bad start to his career. This story is about how he overcame the challenge, and managed to turn adversity into success, and went on to do great things in his career. His last corporate job as the global head of learning & development at Cognizant was the crown jewel in his career. His 3 years as its head earned Cognizant, the best learning & development team from ATD. Am sure every young developer or any corporate professional will relate to his predicament of career uncertainity, dependency on the supervisor to decide what's best for your career among other things. I hope you will pick a lesson or two from this story and apply it in context to your career.