Write With Impact With Glenn Leibowitz

09: How Robin Rice Transforms Lives Through Writing



It’s impossible to put a single label on Robin Rice. She does so many things.   She’s a storyteller and author whose writing has been translated into several languages.   Robin is also a social change artist who has launched several creative, high impact social media campaigns that have transformed the lives of women and men around the world.    And, Robin is a spiritual teacher and mentor to world leaders from the political, NGO, entrepreneurial and arts communities.   We discussed how she uses writing in all aspects of her work, whether it be writing books, blog posts, creating apps, filming videos, or launching viral social media campaigns that change lives.   And she offers practical advice for people trying discover their calling in life, and how writing can be a powerful tool that can help people through their personal journeys.     You can find more information about Robin including links to her websites and books over at writewithimpact.com/episode9